Balance forecast does not agree with current account

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Balance forecast does not agree with current account

Postby stretch1100 » Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:35 am


I use balance forecast for my "Bill Payment Account" and like to use this function to see if I need to adjust transfers into this account (a simple form of budgeting.)

Please refer to attached, however I have a discrepancy between the forecast balance and the "live/current" balance which makes it hard to use for my intended purpose. It may come down to the first 2 x payments in the Balance Forecast window, why these are still there I do not know. They are not in my calendar waiting to be processed.

Any ideas?


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Re: Balance forecast does not agree with current account

Postby mthadm » Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:38 am


Balance forecast simple takes your existing transactions and adds hypothetical transactions from the calendar - the formula is quite simple

We are not sure whats causing this particular issue, please keep us posted
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Re: Balance forecast does not agree with current account

Postby stretch1100 » Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:50 am


Yes, I understand that it should be simple.

I may have solved part of the problem. The 2 x rogue entries for May from the "Balance Forecast window" were actually the starting dates for the calendar entries.

I realised this when I received my bill for Sargeant Strata, due on August 1, I edited the calendar entry and noticed the starting date change from May 1 to August 1.

I checked balance forecast and was pleasantly surprised to see the May 1 entry was no longer there.

To prove this I edited the other rogue entry (City of Brisbane) and its respective balance forecast entry for May is no longer there. The only problem is City of Brisbane is not to be found in Calendar at all, but can be seen in balance forecast.

This is rather confusing. I will however keep looking and checking and will advise accordingly.


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Re: Balance forecast does not agree with current account

Postby stretch1100 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:16 am

Hello to The Administrators,

I am a little disheartened as my problems continue with Calendar and Balance Forecasting.

I also seem to have a problem where Calendar entries "disappear." To explain further, I can see in the calendar that a bill may be forthcoming, but on checking later, (days or hours,) the bill is no longer there. This has caused embarrasment when not enough funds were in an account to complete an (automatic) direct debit.

I also seem to have a problem where if I attempt to add a new bill to Calendar the bill is not saved. It is almost like the Calendar is full and cannot accept any more Calendar entries. Except I get no warning messages that I would expect.

Is there an upgrade on the horizon? Although my license has expired (I think,) I would pay $ to move forward and use a better product.


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